There are several common sources of roof leaks in commercial flat roofs. Roof leaks are often found from cracks in the flashings or around roof penetrations. The areas around gutters and drains are also prone to leaking. Poor drainage or clogged drainage systems can also lead to roof leaks. Old and broken-down roofing materials can also contribute to leaks.
Roof leaks can also be caused by outside forces. Storm damage can lead to roof leaks. Branches and debris on the roof can cause roof leaks. Roof membranes can be damaged by people working on the roof either during construction or maintenance of rooftop equipment. Excessive foot traffic on the roof at access points and around the HVAC units can lead to damage to the membrane that results in roof leaks.
Small areas of roof membrane damage can be fixed using limited repairs. The existing system can be repaired using compatible materials over the damaged areas. Once the damaged areas are too extensive, either a roof recover or replacement is necessary.
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