
Ponding Water on Low Slope Roofing
In roof design and installation, it is important to prevent ponding water. Ponding water is an indication that something is not working correctly on the

Texas Law HB 2102
A new law has recently been passed in Texas that relates to a homeowner’s responsibility to pay their deductible for work done under an insurance

Proper Attic Ventilation
There are many reasons that proper attic ventilation is important. Proper air flow through the attic must be a balanced system. Improper ventilation can lead

Shingle Installation Mistakes
The look and longevity of a shingle roof can be negatively affected by mistakes during the installation process. Small details during installation can have a

Commercial Flat Roof Leaks
There are several common sources of roof leaks in commercial flat roofs. Roof leaks are often found from cracks in the flashings or around roof

Traditional vs. Seamless Rain Gutters
Seamless rain gutters are very popular with homeowners today. Seamless gutters offer a major advantage over traditional gutter systems. Traditional gutters come in sections that