One of the first questions that comes to mind when roofing problems begin to appear is do you really need a replacement roof or can you stretch a few more years of life out of your existing roof? Depending on the individual circumstances, the answer could go either way. The real question you should be asking when you do replace your roof is what can I do to maximize the lifespan of this new roof so that I’m not replacing the roof all too soon?
In most cases, when problems first begin appearing with your existing roof, you may be able to work a few more years into the equation. This will depend largely on the overall condition of the roof. You can have a few problem areas on your roof, while the remainder of the roof is in good shape. Of course you could have a roof that is in a total state of disrepair. The best way to have yourself in a position to prolong the life of your roof and limp along with inexpensive repairs for a few years is to pay close attention to providing regular maintenance to your roofing structure.
If the roof is in bad shape all around, has been repaired, lifted, and carried along for the past several years, or has many problems that could jeopardize the physical soundness of the entire roofing structure, it is worth considering replacement before further damage is done.
A replacement roof is rarely an attractive solution. No one likes to spend money on a new roof. The alternative though is that you wait until the problems are nearly insurmountable and face even greater expenses to fix extensive damage, not only to the roofing structure, but also the integrity of the building the roof was supposed to be protecting. In other words, while it may hurt a lot to replace the roof it hurts a lot less than it will to replace the entire support system for the roof along with the roofing system.
We all understand the pain of roof replacement. We also understand that there is only so much life you can squeeze out of your existing roof. When the time comes, replace your existing roof with one that is designed to deliver long life.
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